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Sisterhood â–² Scholarshipâ–² Service â–² Social Action

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Kimberly Jackson
President, San Jose Alumnae Chapter

Greetings Sorors and Friends!


Welcome to our website.   Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, non-profit organization.  Our 22 Founders envisioned a sisterhood whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs to local communities like ours and throughout the world.  We currently have over 320,000 predominately Black college educated women and the Sorority currently has over 1,000 chapters located in the United States, England, Japan, Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Republic of Korea, Canada and West Africa. 


San Jose Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on November 8, 1970, by women committed to community service, and driven by the same vision and purpose as the 22 Founders of our Sorority. We have provided over 50 years of service to Santa Clara County. Our mission is accomplished through our Five Point Programmatic Thrust:


Economic Development

Educational Development     

International Awareness and Involvement

Physical and Mental Health

Political Awareness and Involvement


Our youth are a major focus for the chapter and we have programs for both male and female teens that will help them grow personally and socially as well as building community awareness and civic engagement. Our Images program (also known as Delta Gems) is for girls, ages 13 to 18 and our EMBODI program is for boys, ages 11 to 18.  If you have youth that can benefit from these programs please click here for more information.


In addition, annual scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors who reside in Santa Clara County. The application becomes available in the Fall and the scholarship is awarded in the Spring. We hope that our supporters will continue to contribute to the education of our young people. To make a donation to our scholarship program, click here.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our chapter and please visit our site regularly for upcoming events.


Best Regards,

Kimberly Jackson

President, San Jose Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

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